SF Streetsblog reports on bicycle tensions in Sausalito

SF Streetsblog reports on some new street signs pointed at bicyclists that do not comply with any state vehicle codes.

What's worse, the city of Sausalito recently installed a number of signs along Bridgeway that contradict California Vehicle Code (CVC) Section 21202 and tell cyclists that they "must ride single file in bike lane" and ride "single file on roadway" when passing through the town. In fact, the CVC allows cyclists to ride in the middle of a narrow lane, does not explicitly prohibit riding side by side, and allows cyclists to leave the bike lane under a number of circumstances.

City Engineer Todd Teachout said the new signs are not anti-cyclist but are part of a strategy to deal with bicycle traffic. Teachout said that over the last three years "the city has been grappling with a large and increasing influx of not-so-skilled cyclists on city roads." He added, "the signs in question are advisory, not regulatory."

The signs, however, are black and white, the standard for a traffic regulation, and give the impression that they are law.

Check out more photos of the new signs and their contradictions with CVC on their website.


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