Portola Valley mayor to address bicyclist safety tonight

In Portola Valley, Mayor Ted Driscoll will be speaking tonight at a Town Council meeting about bicyclist safety, and improving relations between cyclists and motorists, which has been known to be rather tense these past few years as bicycling activity has increased around the Bay Area.

Among the significant topics scheduled for the June 8 Portola Valley Town Council meeting, Mayor Ted Driscoll has prepared a 1,000-word analysis on the issue of bicycle safety in town. Mr. Driscoll's object: to engage the council and the public in a discussion leading to a regular forum, perhaps a bicycle committee, for dealing with the issues.

The council meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Historic Schoolhouse at 765 Portola Road. The bicycle discussion is the first item on the regular agenda.

Read up at the Almanac Online.


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