CHP reopens investigation into Lauren Ward's death

Lauren Ward was killed last November when an eighteen-wheeler collided with her on Alpine Road at highway 280 in western Palo Alto / Los Altos Hills. A month later the CHP concluded that Lauren had made an "unsafe turn" into the big-rig, and that the driver was not at fault, despite having a history of previous accidental deaths.

Today, however, the Los Altos Town Crier is reporting that the CHP is reopening the investigation, prompted by "new information" about the accident. The CHP spokesman is careful to not assume anything about the new information, however:

"Our original investigation is completed and everything’s still the same (regarding the party found at fault),” [ CHP spokesman Art Montiel ] said. “We don’t know if the additional info will make that change."

Read (only a few more) details on the Los Altos Town Crier's website.


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