Woodside / Portola getting tough on rolling stops

Lists have been abuzz with news & accounts of Woodside / Portola police cracking down on cyclists who roll through stop signs without stopping. There has always been one or two cops on weekends hanging around the Cañada Road stop signs, but recent enforcement will span the rest of the area as well.

An Almanac news story details the Woodside council's decision to gather cyclist volunteers to promote the Honor The Stop campaign to unite cyclists and motorists to obey all stop signs, hopefully encouraging safe riding and safe driving, especially in cities / urban areas.

Likely a sad story for the Spectrum Ride and other like-minded traffic scofflaws, many hope that this will encourage more amicable relationships between cyclists and motorists.

A note from bay area cycling news: please obey traffic laws, especially when others are around. Cyclists are vehicles and should act like them.


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