Saturday's Cat's Hill Classic & supporting Ashleigh Jackson

Begin forwarded message:

On Sunday, April 19th, fellow cyclist Ashleigh Jackson was seriously injured in an hit-and-run accident in Saratoga. She was left on the side of the road with a brain injury. Fortunately, her brain bleed is under control, and while she still has a long road to full recovery, she is out of the ICU and on her way to gaining her life back. As part of a community-wide effort of outreach and solidarity, SugarCRM/LGRBC and Webcor/AV are proud to announce a silent auction and raffle event at the Cat's Hill Classic on Saturday, May 2 to help with Ashleigh’s medical bills.

Come join us for a chance to win two signed Webcor/AV jersey's from World Cycling Champions Christine Thorburn and Karen Brems, a signed Most Aggressive Rider jersey from Levi for 2008 Tour of California, as well as hundreds of dollars in prizes and gift certificates from Palo Alto Bicycles, The Bicycle Outfitter, Cupertino Bike Shop, Sterling Sports Group, Testarossa Vineyards, Voler Clothing, Revolutions in Fitness, Integrate Performance Fitness, and others...

If you are not racing, please consider coming down to participate in our awesome silent auction and raffle. Or send someone along with your money (or bring others' $ down) and buy raffle tickets on their behalf.
We will be posting a huge piece of butcher paper for people to sign, which will be delivered to Ashleigh.

2. We want to remind people over and over again to be on the lookout for that silver beemer, and to call Saratoga Police with ANY leads, no matter if they think it is insignificant. Someone has seen something. Someone has a friend with a silver beemer that has oddly been tucked away for over a week, or something unusual like that.

3. We are hoping other clubs will get involved and pay this forward. Her med bills will be huge, so if other clubs want to host events, LGBRC is happy to help them out and continue to pay this forward, just let us know. Every time we race, we risk injury. Every time we train outdoors, we do the same, but we sure as heck don’t expect to be run down mercilessly and left on the side of the road in a heap!


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