SJ Bike Party plea to plebes

SJ Bike Party is a gathering every third friday in San Jose. This past friday was the No Pants Ride , which, like Critical Mass , is getting both positive and negative attention. In a post on the SJ Bike Party website responding to friday's activities , ride organizers try to stem the tide of rowdy revelers that enjoy partying, and not necessarily biking. I am deeply dismayed by the attitudes and the aggression on the ride. Community means friendship and respecting one another. Bike Party has grown into a huge successful event because we are open to everyone and we love everyone. However, as of today, some of you are no longer welcome. If you think San Jose Bike Party is a place to get shit faced and pick fights, don’t come. If you think San Jose Bike Party is a place where you can do what you want and harass cars, don’t come. If you are so in love with a bike ride that you cannot give up your binge drinking, fight mongering, douche-baggery, then start your own ride. You c...